Artificial Wisdom
A research startup.
Simply applying the power of AI: Realizing the full extent of Torah, and of reality.
Mission Statement
ומלאה הארץ דעה את השם
Audit the full extent of human knowledge. Reconciling all principles, laws, theories, etc. against differing rules of logic, methods and processes, and also against each other.
Model out our understandings of reality based on their progressions, based on certain metrics, and based on novel insights yet to be discovered.
Reframe our existence using a truth- and honesty-based foundation. A foundation for humankind to thrive with their technology.
Maximizing Torah Study in the Digital Age

The breadth of Torah remains underutilized - despite technological advancements.
We have the capability to reach everyone, everywhere, instantly. אחישנה.

Immediate, personalized, and widespread access to Torah knowledge.
As with all great paradoxes: the problem is the solution - just do it!

Value Proposition
Inspired by the Rambam's Hilchos Melachim: "יִהְיוּ יִשְׂרָאֵל חֲכָמִים גְּדוֹלִים וְיוֹדְעִים דְּבָרִים הַסְּתוּמִים וְיַשִּׂיגוּ דַּעַת בּוֹרְאָם כְּפִי כֹּחַ הָאָדָם. שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (ישעיה יא, ט) 'כִּי מָלְאָה הָאָרֶץ דֵּעָה אֶת ה' כַּמַּיִם לַיָּם מְכַסִּים'".
  • Expansion (תרבה הדעה והחכמה והאמת)
  • Collaboration (ולא ילמדו איש את אחיו ואיש את רעהו)
  • Accessibility (ילמד כל העם)
Latest initiatives:

Chat with 50+ shiurim on Basi Legani 5725, 5745, and more.
Listen: AI-Generated shiur on this year's Basi Legani maamar.
Watch: AI revisiting the Chanukah Live interactive video call event from 1991.
Check out our roadmap to understand the ambitious plans we have for revolutionizing Torah learning and application through cutting-edge AI and digital tools.
Fork us on Github, or better yet join our dev team on Ray.
Reach out to our team to learn more about the exciting initiatives and how you can get involved. Email us at to start the conversation, or schedule a call below.