Our Team
Strong in Torah, Tech, and AI. Decentralized and community-based.
Meet the Founders
Rayi Stern
Dabbling in AI, from a career in operations, data, and business development.
Core Values
We take the position that technology exists to be harnessed for the greater good. As with every entity in the world, it is a form which follows the function which is our mission; a mission which is the distillation and culmination of the world's overall mission.
Aligned with a general view of AI in the industry at large, we see this, and our role herein, as the be all end all of reality as we know it.
The top priority is accountability and principled execution. Haste makes waste, and oversight produces results. A focused approach with safeguards and checks and balances will yield the focused product which we're offering.
As part of this mindset, our decision making processes are a team effort, guided by the directives, format, and instructions which shape Judaism and Jewish philosophy, historically and today.
When the results are now, instead of tomorrow, they're also yesterday… Every hour and every second which passes by without taking full advantage of the tools at our disposal is a loss of exponentially greater man hours. An energetic and resolute position is itself a guarantee of success.
The the concept of 'Large Language Models' itself implies: we can't get there alone. Besides that our world is in uncharted territory - we need each other and we need each and every one to reach our collective goal.
We don't yet know who will tip the scale and release the final product. Crowdsourcing and empowerment let's everyone take a part while leveraging the collective and decentralized talent.
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Check out the roadmap

Google Docs

Torah<>Tech Roadmap 0.1

Sheet1 Feature,Category,Subcategory,Status,Owner,Size,Launch,Notes,Benefits,Challenges Data Collection,Document Processing,L,Simply collecting our data! Scraping, asking nicely, OCR, and so on. Data Normalization,Document Processing,L,Building our dataset - simply parsing our documents! 1. Extra...

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